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Why is Mediation Important to Any Relationship?

Can a parent refuse medition
Disputes of any kind can often lead to broken relationships and hard feelings, especially true when it comes to a divorce. Divorces tend to result from problems in the marriage, and there is often lots of fighting in the household leading up to the divorce. Having a court battle over assets and money to get a divorce can perpetuate these feelings of anger, frustration, and uncertainty about what is to come.
Divorces are not only hard on the spouses who are getting divorced, but they can also be hard on children and extended family. That is why mediation is the best way to ensure the least emotional damage and trauma resulting from a divorce. 
How Can Mediation Preserve Your Relationship with Your Spouse? 

Less Fighting

Before a divorce, there is usually plenty of fighting. An impartial professional family law attorney will help direct the process, so there is less fighting during the division of money and assets. When you go to court to get a divorce, you both have to hire your own attorney to fight for what you want with little regard for the other person. Mediation can help preserve your relationship by easing uncertainty and anxiety. Although mediation can’t solve your current relationship, it can help end your relationship with less fighting.

Improve Communication

Experiencing a mediation process together can benefit your relationship with your spouse after the divorce. It may be difficult, but you will both need to set your differences aside and work together to find a resolution. During this process, you will need to listen to one another and keep an open mind about how the mediation might go. The common goal of finding a solution peacefully between the two of you can be critical to mending your past differences. Mediation can also help improve your communications in the future as a divorced couple. You will need to treat each other with respect and civility while in a mediation session, which can set a precedent for future conversations. Improved communication will also help you co-parent.

How is Mediation Better For Your Relationship With Your Children?

Less Hostility At Home

Divorces are almost always hard on children. However, mediation will be better for your relationship with your children since there will be less fighting in the home. When you are in the process of getting divorced, there is a time when you will still live with your spouse and children. There can be lots of tension at home during this time, which can strain your whole family. Hostility in your home can confuse children, and they may end up resentful. Lessening the anger and fighting within the home with divorce mediation can improve relationships with your children since they can see their parents as civilized and end the relationship amicably. In addition, you will be able to model common courtesy, respect, and civilization for your children.

No Picking Sides

Oftentimes, children get caught in the crossfires of battles with parents considering divorce. It can get messy when you and your spouse go through a court battle. Your children may have to hear you and your spouse argue over who gets custody of them or other complex subjects. They also might start to pick up on your attitudes and anger towards one of you at home. As a result, they may begin to pick sides and hate one of you, causing further division amongst your family and can lead to unhealthy relationships. Mediation is better for your family since it will show your children that you and your spouse can get along even though you may be getting a divorce. That way, they won’t feel the need to defend one parent over the other or pick sides.

We understand that divorce is hard for any family, but knowing that you can mitigate some of the trauma with divorce mediation is essential. Divorce mediation in Arizona will allow you and your spouse to split in the most amicable way possible, making it easier for everyone in the family. Visit our website to discuss how mediation could help your family through a divorce. If you are looking for a family law mediator in Tucson, Erika L. Cossitt Volpiano is one of the best mediation attorneys in the industry. With over 30 years of experience, ELCV LAW is considered highly skilled among divorce mediators in Arizona.

Take control of your future. Call us at 520-795-2235 to set an appointment today.

Disclaimer: The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not take the place of actual legal advice. Not all circumstances are the same, and it is suggested that you should seek legal counsel if you need assistance in any of these areas.