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Five Reasons Why You Should Consider Mediation

Mediation can help you avoid the stress of going through a trial.

Mediation is a process of resolving disputes through discussion and negotiation with the help of an impartial third party. It can be used for any dispute, whether it’s about money, property, custody, or other family law issues. The mediator does not make decisions but facilitates discussions that lead to agreements. Mediation has many benefits, including saving time and money. You don’t need to go through court hearings, trials, or hiring attorneys.

This blog post will discuss the benefits of divorce mediation in Arizona, how it works, and whether it is right for you.

Mediation is a less expensive and more private alternative to going to court.

How do you handle a disagreement with your spouse or partner? Do you go to court and employ a lawyer, or is there an alternative solution? First, let’s look at some stats: on average, couples will spend $15-50K on their divorce proceedings. Mediation can cost less than half that amount and often provides a private setting where no one else will know about your personal information. At first glance, it might seem like mediation won’t work because both parties have different ideas about what they want from their marriage. Still, in reality, mediators are trained professionals who understand how to navigate and negotiate a mutually beneficial outcome.

Mediation is a less expensive and more private alternative to going to court. If you consider this option, it can help to know what mediation entails before making your decision.

It's easier on children

Mediation might be the best option for your family if you have children! Mediation is a process that can help families resolve disputes easier for children. This process is especially true when parents are splitting up because it allows them to work together for their child’s best interests.

In a divorce, there are many difficult decisions to make. One of those is how you will handle custody of your children. Many parents believe that litigation and court proceedings are the only way to resolve this issue. However, mediation may be a better option for everyone involved in the situation – especially your children. When it comes time for couples to choose between going through a mediated or litigated divorce, they have two very different options before them. One can be more beneficial than the other depending on their unique circumstances and desires for their future lives together after divorce. While both options ultimately lead to a divorce being finalized by a judge or other legal official, mediating divorces rather than litigating can be better for all concerned.

Mediation is easier on children as they don’t have to sit through a tense courtroom proceeding that could last hours or days while everyone argues about who gets custody of them and other issues related to their lives post-divorce.

The outcome of mediation is confidential.

Mediation is a confidential process that requires the parties to reach an agreement without the help of a judge. Whether it be an agreement or not, the outcome remains private. The mediator can only share information with each party separately and may not disclose any specific details discussed during mediation. However, suppose mediation does not work out. In that case, the mediator will help you prepare for litigation by providing summary information discussed during mediation sessions and how this may affect your trial strategy. If you consider this option for resolving your divorce issues, look for a family law attorney experienced in the mediation process.

The mediator's goal is not to win or lose but rather to help both parties reach an amicable settlement.

The mediation process is less adversarial than litigation, and the mediator will work toward that end. The mediator’s goal is not to win or lose but to help both parties reach an agreement. In divorce mediation, the mediator may suggest that one party speak first before the other. Couples with marital issues can use mediation to resolve disagreements without going through a lengthy trial.

Four Principles Of Mediation

  • Mediation is voluntary. Both of you have to want to mediate, and either of you can stop the mediation process at any time.
  • Mediators are impartial. The mediator does not take sides and is always there for both of you.
  • Mediation is confidential.
  • In mediation, the clients are in charge.
You want to look for an experienced mediator who understands and abides by the abovementioned principles. Feel free to ask about them before you make your decision.
We know what it’s like to be in a stressful and challenging family law situation. You may feel overwhelmed by the stress of going through a trial, but we want you to know mediation is an alternative to help make things easier for everyone involved. Mediation not only enables you to avoid the high costs and long wait times associated with trials, but it also provides privacy benefits such as confidentiality which can benefit your children (and their therapist!). Suppose you are looking for Arizona mediation services in Tucson. ELCV LAW has over 30 years of experience helping people get through this arduous process, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Take control of your future and call us at 520-795-2235, or visit our website, or fill out an online intake form – ELCVLAW/Intake Form today to discuss how mediation might work for your specific needs.

Disclaimer: The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not take the place of actual legal advice. Not all circumstances are the same, and it is suggested that you should seek legal counsel if you need assistance in any of these areas.