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Why a Prenuptial Agreement is Important

Why a Prenuptial Agreement is Important

Why a Prenuptial Agreement is Important

Why a Prenuptial Agreement is Important
It may feel counterintuitive to draft a document detailing how you and your future spouse will split finances in case of a divorce. However, a prenuptial agreement will protect both of you from more than money disputes. It can also help you strengthen your relationship before you marry since you will have to discuss complex topics and work together to agree on your future. 
Plus, with a significant number of marriages ending in divorce, it is more realistic to plan for the possibility of a divorce rather than to pretend it could never happen. 

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement, also known as a prenup, is essentially a list of rules about dividing assets if a couple gets divorced. Since the word ‘nuptial’ means marriage, prenuptial means creating a list of rules agreed to before marriage. A prenuptial agreement is legally binding and upheld by the courts.
When getting a prenuptial agreement, both partners need to be voluntarily present. Neither of the partners is tricked into giving something up. Each person should draft the prenuptial agreement with their own lawyer to ensure the process is as fair as possible.

What Are the Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement?

Open Communication

Finances are a significant part of any married couple’s relationship. It is often the reason why many couples get divorced—before getting married, discussing what each person brings to the relationship is always a good idea. Discussing a prenuptial agreement is an excellent way to initiate an honest conversation about what assets and liabilities will be shared. 
Drafting a prenup with your partner will help you understand one another’s expectations of ownership and finance. Questions such as who would get the house if they were to divorce are essential topics of discussion that may not come up if the couple did not have a prenuptial agreement. Setting expectations and having a genuine conversation about complex issues will help strengthen your relationship and give your marriage a proper foundation.

Fairness in Division of Assets

Unless both partners enter the relationship with the same amount of assets, one partner may leave the marriage with significantly less money while the other leaves with more. It is easier to leave the relationship with a fair division of assets with a prenuptial agreement. 
When couples fight over assets in court during a divorce, they both try to screw the other person out of money, especially if the relationship ends poorly. A prenuptial agreement is generally fairer since both partners will be going into the agreement amicably. 

Protect You From Debt

Once a couple gets married, all incurred debts belong to both partners. If one person racks up a credit card bill before getting divorced, both partners could potentially be responsible for the debt. Debt repayment can be discussed in a prenuptial agreement, protecting the debt-free spouse from an unfair financial burden.

What Can Be Included in the Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement can consist of property, spousal support, alimony, debts, and other assets. A prenuptial agreement can include property, spousal support, alimony, debts, and other assets such as family heirlooms. Child support will be determined after divorce, either in mediation or court. 

Who Might Need a Prenup?

Many people are under the impression that prenuptial agreements are only for the rich and famous. A prenuptial agreement benefits everyone since there are always assets you want to protect. People who may wish to consider a prenuptial agreement include those who come into the marriage with assets, business owners, and single parents. These people would benefit from a prenup since they tend to have valuable assets that they achieved independently.
In caucus, the mediator will put a proposed settlement on the table. Then, they will ask each side to attempt to amend the settlement until an agreement has been made. Depending on the success of this, “caucusing” can occur.
The bargaining stage can take a day or a few weeks, depending on how much you and your spouse disagree.

If you need a Family Law Mediation or Marital Contract Attorney in Tucson, Arizona, you should contact ELCV LAW by filling out a request form at or call us at 520-795-2235. Take control of your future to learn how you can benefit from a prenuptial agreement. Contact Erika L. Cossitt Volpiano, P.C. for a consultation, today.

Disclaimer: The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not take the place of actual legal advice. Not all circumstances are the same, and it is suggested that you should seek legal counsel if you need assistance in any of these areas.

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Advantages Of A Prenuptial Agreement

Advantages Of A Prenuptial Agreement

Advantages Of A Prenuptial Agreement

Advantages Of A Prenuptial Agreement
Many people wrongly believe that a prenuptial agreement is only necessary for people like movie stars or those who are at threat of being preyed upon by “gold diggers.” In addition, many prospective spouses fear signing a prenuptial agreement is equivalent to signing a “pre-divorce.” However, in reality, all marriages can benefit significantly from prenuptial agreements.
A prenuptial agreement refers to a legal contract that you and your spouse devise before you are married in the eyes of the law. When you become married, the prenup goes into effect. Prenuptial contracts usually cover things like asset division and debt assumption in the event of a divorce or separation.
Here, we will discuss some of the many advantages of entering into a prenuptial agreement with a spouse. We will discuss how prenuptial agreements foster clear communication, prevent worst-case scenarios, and protect you and your spouse’s financial interests.

Prenuptial Agreements Foster Clear Communication

Anyone who has been in a relationship understands the value of clear communication. This communication is particularly true in marriage, where assets are meant to be shared among you and your spouse.
Prenuptial agreements can help couples be open and transparent with each other about exactly what assets they have and which ones they would like to hold onto in the event of a separation. Suppose you and your spouse enter into a prenuptial agreement. In that case, you are legally obligated to inform the other of any debts or other negative things you may be liable to assume.
In this way, a prenuptial agreement can give both parties the peace of mind that they truly know and are protected from any and all liabilities that their spouse may carry. These agreements also help ensure a better relationship because there is no ambiguity which happens to be one of the biggest reasons for a dissolution of a marriage.

A Prenuptial Contract can Prevent a Worst Case Scenario

No one wants to assume that something horrible will happen between you and your spouse. But, especially in something as important and potentially life-changing as a marriage, the phrase “better safe than sorry” rings true.

If you are the spouse who makes the majority of income and/or holds the majority of assets in your marriage, a prenup can ensure you are both protected from a worst-case scenario. For example, it can prevent your partner from leaving and staking claim to some portion of your life’s work.

On the other hand, if you are the spouse who does not hold most of the assets and looks to your partner for financial support, a prenup can actually be used to ensure that in the event of a separation, you won’t be left out to dry. Prenups can specify how much or how little one partner must provide to the other in the event of a separation, giving you peace of mind in your marriage.
If the worst-case scenario of a spouse passing away occurs, prenuptial agreements can even be used for things like power of attorney and the right to write and execute wills. This means that if you or your spouse’s death results in the nullification of your marriage, a prenuptial agreement can still be used to protect your family.

Prenuptial Agreements Protect Financial Interests

Most importantly and most often, prenuptial agreements can help you protect your financial interests. In today’s world of side-hustles and complicated asset packages, a prenup can ensure that your financial status won’t be compromised in the event of a separation.

A premarital agreement can protect things like the inheritance rights of your descendants from a previous marriage. In addition, if you own a business, divorce law in some states might force you to give part of that business to your partner suddenly. A prenuptial agreement can resolve this.
Furthermore, if one partner has significant debt, a prenuptial contract can ensure that you won’t be liable for their many obligations in the event of something like that person’s passing.

Prenuptial Attorney in Tucson

ELCV Law has provided Mediation and Family Law in Tucson to thousands of spouses. In order to enact and reap the benefits of a prenuptial agreement, you need a qualified team of professionals to help you draft and submit your agreement. This is where ELCV Law can help.
If you need a Family Law Attorney or Mediator in Tucson, Arizona, don’t hesitate to contact ELCV LAW by filling out a request form at or call us at 520-795-2235. Take control of your future, and learn how you can benefit from a prenuptial agreement. Contact Erika L. Cossitt Volpiano, P.C. for a consultation, today.

Disclaimer: The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not take the place of actual legal advice. Not all circumstances are the same, and it is suggested that you should seek legal counsel if you need assistance in any of these areas.

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